Join the Club

To join the Cossie Club complete the membership application form or call us on 04 529 0009. We look forward to you becoming a member of our club.

There is a one-off $20.00 joining fee and the annual subscription up to your birthday month which is payable with the completed application form. This subscription is calculated pro-rata to your birthday month. eg; if your birthday is six months away you will pay $20.00.

If you don’t know any club member to nominate or second you, our office can arrange this.

A meeting for new members is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Members of the executive, management and representatives from the adjuncts attend and the presentation takes approximately 30 minutes. You will receive a complimentary drink and learn more about what the Club can offer you.

Your nomination will be considered at the next executive meeting that is held on the last Thursday of each month. Your membership card will be available after this.

Join now
I would like to find out more about the following adjunct/s
Terms and Conditions

Club Rules

Pay Subs

The annual renewal is $40.00. This is due annually in the month of your birthday.

For members 60 years and over the annual subscription reduces to $25.00 after three years of membership.

Membership Renewal
Select Membership Type
Credit Card